Female Stalker

Anina Evans
7 min readApr 18, 2021

I wanted to share again a situation that I have been facing for 5 years. There are neighbors that moved in somewhere between 2017–2018; I had no idea someone bought the home.

One day, I stepped outside to smoke and I saw a gentleman raking his yard. We spoke and exchanged pleasantries, I did not know anything about him or his wife.

After that initial introduction, he began to come over to my home unannounced and would do various jobs without me asking. I informed him he could not keep doing this, I was still living with my kid’s father. I would ask him for a price and pay him immediately!

One day, we were outside talking, during the sunlight, and a woman came barreling to the backyard cursing and attempting to jump the fence to beat me up.

After this situation, he apologized but the damage was done. I went in for surgery and my nose was bandage and I had rods inside my nose. I would sit in my master bathroom and smoke. One night I heard the neighbor’s wife sitting outside with her daughters and friends. She sat and spoke about me half the night. Since that time she has cursed and threatened me 6 times in her car while I was with my grandchildren. She has played on my phone and insisted I was crazy-B. I had to have my number changed 3 times during the course of this.

The husband was very forward and expressed during our conversations his sexual interest. He also stated that his wife needed a friend and she too wanted a threesome. I politely told him I wasn’t interested and that it wasn’t my thing.

Going forward he would take me to the store or a doctor appointment if needed. At this point I still do not know the wife, I have never had a conversation with her. Every night the music would be loud and the way this neighborhood is built our basements are connected. At night the loud music is right under our head.

I was also being stalked online and I never thought it was the neighbor but come to find, out it was the husband and wife.

If I followed Snoop Dogg, then someone would hit me up and request I download Google Plus or WHATAPP. I began to suspect immediately because why would Snoop need $45. They continued this for 4 years straight, I also had money stolen out of my bank accounts.

The husband later confessed that he had been stalking me. I inquired as to why? He said. “ Why not you?” During this time I never had sex with husband or the wife.

I didn’t speak to the husband for two years because he was lying to his wife about the nature of our friendship.

Then the phone calls began from the wife, she began calling and hanging up. Then she called and asked for directions, at this time I didn’t know it was her. While I was praying, God said “ That was your neighbor!” Later that evening I called the number back and I asked the wife, “Why are you playing on my phone?” She immediately began to curse me out and call me names. I explained that her husband has been stalking me and I wasn’t involved with him. She asked me, “ WHY AREN’T YOU HAVING SEX WITH HIM?” “HE TOO GOOD FOR YOU?” She then informed me that she too watches me in my yard dancing. She called me crazy for liking one of my trees, she told me that she watches me as well. EVERYDAY!

I was shocked that a woman wanted to fight me because I hadn’t had sex with her husband. I complained to the HOA and she continued with the loud music, the all night parties; even during the pandemic.

After that the husband’s demeanor changed towards me, he became nasty. I asked why he was being rude. He stated, “When are you going to let me move in?” “When are you going to let us have sex with you?” I told him it wasn’t going to happen. The abuse continues and now the daughters of the wife are involved. Following me to stores or where ever I venture out too. How do they know where I am going. I catch Uber’s and Lyft so how do they know?

The finial disturbing situation is that they can hear what I say and do inside of my home. When my neighbors fight and carry on inside their home I cannot hear them; but she listens in on me, then she comes into the yard and yells curses.

The wife has mooned my home and I am not body shaming but she is close to 300lbs, I have minor children and so does she.

Long story short, during the pandemic I needed a ride out of state to go and get my grandchildren. I had to ask the husband, everyone else was afraid to travel. The husband was paid cash, and the trip went smoothly.

After that the husband left his wife, and she rolled up on me in the street. I was with my grandkids and she cursed me out in front of them. After he left she would throw parties and if I came outside to smoke, she would yell at me.

“SHE TOOK MY MAN, THAT “B” TOOK MY MAN!” I had no idea she was talking to me considering I was minding my business. I had my headphones on and when the song stopped I heard all this commotion. I look in the backyard and what do I see. I see the wife screaming, two-three people holding her and trying to help her understand I wasn’t even listening.

A man cannot be taken from you, if he is truly yours. I don’t have her man, he is not with me; however she believes we are. She should try lost and found!

Both of these people are Jamaican and they are not legally married. I say husband and wife to show respect to them. My EX is also Jamaican, and the neighbor told me they both knew my EX.

He stated to me that my EX told him to move here and to attempt to prove me unfit. He told me that he was to collect and/or find out if he could get me on drugs or worst. I was hurt by this, but my EX swears he doesn’t know the neighbors.

My EX and I had a very abusive relationship, and the last incident he bashed my head into an armoire while choking me. After the relationship could not be resolved I asked him to leave. THE STALKING BEGAN AFTER MY EX LEFT. We were living separately but in the same house. I upstairs, and he downstairs we rarely had any intimacy.

I do believe there is something much more sinister going on within this whole situation. I do not respond to her or look her way, I ignore her.

Even though the neighbor’s husband is gone, she still insists on making my life a living hell.
On my mother’s grave I have never met this woman or the man before, I have never been nasty to either of them. I mind my business but she still listens and follows behind me.

I do care that she is LYING, because for so long she goes for bad! For so long she was going to kill me, burn my house down, and other terrible things if I didn’t have SEX with her!

I try not to let her keep me from going outside. When I go outside, I check first to see if she’s out there. If she is out there and I can’t wait, then I go the opposite way.

Here is where the story takes a change, there are neighbors across the street. They seem cool, our kids used to play together. That was before the man told me to “GET AWAY FROM MY HOUSE, WE DON’T LIKE YOUR KIND AROUND HERE?” The little kids from across the street recently told my grandkids that their Uncles said, I have someone living in my basement. First off, why are they watching my house like that? The kids have asked me if I am witch despite the fact I am a minister. The kids have stood outside of my house pointing towards my basement windows. One of the Uncle’s also has been texting me and pretending to be Mr. Snoop Dogg.

Why is this important? The husband of the lesbian wife next door is related to the people across the street. ( The little kids told me one day)

Then the neighbor next door to me, had guests over for yet another party and they too where pointing at the same window. I noticed that the family across the street sits outside at night and watches.

( Remember these all of them are related) Who they are watching I have no clue, but I believe it is me.

I have no idea what is happening before my eyes, but we don’t know each other like that. I haven’t said anything rude to anyone, but for some reason they seem angry at me for something.

Am I to believe that this is what happens when we say, NO! I am being bothered because I do not want to have sex with a woman or have a threesome.

The police did inform me that harassment of a person because they WILL NOT have sex with you is a CRIME. This has been 5 years of my life, and for some reason this woman feels she is RIGHT! I hope this never happens to anyone, but if it does fight back! No means no! EX means we not together! I do believe my EX or someone else I do not suspect is doing this to me.

At this point, I need to ask Snoop Dogg, are you doing this to me? Where is your wife? Why are you having these people stalk me, while pretending to be you? The last time Fake Snoop contacted me was just two days ago, and he wanted to see my minister card. How do you know I am a minister Mr. Snoop?

I hope someone passes this along to Snoop Dogg on my behalf and just ask him is he aware that he is being misrepresented in the street.

God Bless-

Minister Anina Evans



Anina Evans

I am a mother, a grandmother and a sister. I have a legal background, along with a healthcare background. I consider myself a Mystic my experiences are factual.